Blog Posts & Articles

A collection of pretty much everything I've written on software development, silly card games and personal shenanigans.

Book Review: “Tidy First?”

My review of Kent Beck's “Tidy First?”, a short book on the "what", "when", and "why" of tidying code.

Path to Production Mapping

Here's one from the consulting toolbox. Path to Production Mapping is a simple and effective tool that can help you understand, discuss, analyze, and improve how your team ships software to production. In this post I explain what it's all about and how you can use it.

Browser Bookmarks on the Command Line

I wrote lnks, a small tool to helps you and your team to search through and open browser bookmarks from the command line

Book Review: “Learning Test-Driven Development”

A book review for Saleem Siddiqui's “Learning Test-Driven Development”. Spoiler alert -- It's excellent.

How remote work changed my life

About 1.5 years ago I quit my job, started working remotely and moved to a small town. I'm reflecting on how these changes have affected my life.

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