All posts tagged with agile

Here's the buzzword party

Path to Production Mapping

Here's one from the consulting toolbox. Path to Production Mapping is a simple and effective tool that can help you understand, discuss, analyze, and improve how your team ships software to production. In this post I explain what it's all about and how you can use it.

How the metaphor of 'moving apartments' helps with your next Retrospective

Probably everyone has moved at least once in their life. It's a lot of work but also offers unique opportunities. This post will tell you how the metaphor of moving can help you get great results out of your next Retrospective.

The Tweetrospective - refresh your next Agile Retrospective

I've recently tried a new approach for facilitating an agile retrospecitve based on Twitter. It was a fun and creative session and I got great feedback. Read what I've done, what I've learned and grab some resources to do it yourself!